It’s a question that all organizations are wrestling with as the nation attempts reopening and the numbers of cases continue to climb.
Many church budgets are tight enough as it is—how are you supposed to fit in a guest ministry line item when you have bills and salaries and coffee to pay for?
Guest ministries are a vital follow-up to your outreach efforts, and they sustain churches for growth in years to come by retaining guests and turning them into disciples.
We don’t have to tell you that volunteers are the lifeblood of the church. Our ministries wouldn’t be nearly as effective without those volunteers that give selflessly of their time and talents for the higher purpose of reaching hearts for Jesus.
The term “mental load” has become more and more common, especially among mothers. If you haven’t heard of this term before, “mental load” refers to all of the invisible tasks associated with the management of a household. It’s constant laundry, meal planning and prep, dishes, and baths.
Just like football has its “Super Day” every year, many churches view Easter Sunday as their “Super Day” for reaching out to the community. People who only come a few times a year are getting their “Sunday Best” ready and you want them at your church!
As the generational switch in leadership continues to take place, more and more churches are evaluating whether or not their lobby is the inviting space they want, or a holdover from a past era.
Guests come to your church for many reasons, with many different interests and goals. That means they’ll have different questions they need answered as they decide to join your church.
My wife and I were fortunate enough to go on a “vacation of a lifetime” to Europe, where we spent time in London, Paris, and Rome.
You’re going to have a lot of guests this Christmas. If we’re honest with each other and past years are any indication of the future, you probably won’t see many of them again until Easter.
Training Your Volunteers
If you want your volunteers to represent your church well, here are some things to keep in mind when training them.