Want to Grow Year Round?
Start an Acts of Kindness Campaign for $50.00
Most Churches tend to see growth and attendance stall in the summer months. Does it have to be that way? A full 60% or more of people in our communities don't attend church at all, so there's no shortage of people to invite. How can we engage these people and invite them to our church this summer?
While many people will be taking vacation this summer there is still ample opportunity to invite people when they are at home. Not all of America will be on vacation at the same time so let’s open our church doors to those people that are still in the neighborhood each weekend. An Acts of Kindness Campaign engages our communities and raises awareness about your church.
What is an Acts of Kindness Campaign?
The goal of an Acts of Kindness Campaign is to increase community interest in God, and invite more guests to church. This is done by showing God's love for all people and meeting their everyday needs.
Our Acts of Campaign Package Includes:
- 1,000 Business Card Sized Invitation Cards
- Graphic Design to customize the card with your colors, logo, services times and map
- Ground Shipping to the US
- Additional Cards: $50.00 per 1,000
Total Price for 1,000 Invitations: $50.00
Give the invitation cards to your congregation, and encourage them to bless others in the community. It could be paying for a drive-through meal, mowing a neighbor’s lawn, or filling a stranger's fuel tank...the possibilities are endless! With each act of kindness, an invite card is given. By doing this, the recipient will know generosity was inspired by God, and they also receive an invitation to your weekend service.
An Acts of Kindness Campaign helps show people God loves them, builds awareness of your church in your community, and gets your membership involved in outreach with just a small investment of time and money. John 13:35 says “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Let's show God's love in our communities, and invite more people in to learn more about Him.
Click Here to Start Your Campaign Today!
A Campaign is successful because:
1) It is Biblical
There are many verses in the Bible that encourage us to freely give to those in need. The Bible tells us that our generously will bring praise to the Lord and increase His Kingdom.
2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.” Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2) It is Non-threatening:
Sharing the gospel can be intimidating but an Act of Kindness Campaign opens the door to conversation with an everyday action. By showing kindness first we show that we practice what we preach and then people are more open to conversations about God and Faith.
3) It fits in with our God-given need for rest and relaxation
Paying for someone’s meal at the drive-thru does not require a huge time commitment. Because it is a small time investment your family doesn’t have to change your vacation plans or move the date of your summer barbeque. It’s amazing that a small input into someone’s life can have great benefits and lead to salvation.
4) It builds awareness of our church in our communities
Every time you do an act of kindness you give a card to the person with your churches information on it. Not only does this let the person you are interacting with know where you to church, the word is sure to get out that your church is doing amazing things for the community.
5) It’s really fun!
It’s a blast to bless someone and make an impact on your community. You will be interacting with people you already know and growing relationships with people that live right next door. Brand new friendships will develop and give you the opportunity for fun all summer long!
How Do I Get My Members Excited To Do This?
Demonstrate the idea by giving away something free (fancy muffin, coffee mug, etc.) to a few random people during a service and also hand them a few Showing God's Love cards. Challenge them to "pay it forward" to a few people outside the church. As others see how excited the person is to receive the free item, it will naturally inspire them to participate. This will be such a natural and fun way to show God’s love to our communities.
Click Here to Start Your Campaign Today!
We customize your invitation cards when you place your order.
Or email your information to orders@equipmr.com