Part of the life cycle for many churches is the planning and implementation of a “Master Plan” for the development of the church campus.

When first introduced to your congregation, Master Plans are a great tool for casting vision, and getting people excited for what’s to come. They can also be a great tool for forecasting growth, making financial projections, and guiding a church through tough times.

As great as Master Plans can be, they can also present challenges when making decisions about the future of your church.

At times, people can become so focused on the Master Plan, that they neglect to ask questions like:


  • How long ago was this plan developed?
  • What was culture like back then?
  • What is culture like now?
  • How do changes in teaching styles, technology  and cultural norms affect the plans?
  • Have our church mission and vision statements changed since this plan was developed?
  • Are there alternatives to this Master Plan?
  • Do we need a bigger Sanctuary and more classes, or is it time to add another service, or plant a church?
  • Are there lessons we can learn from other churches that already went through this type of plan?
  • Does the Master Plan still fit with the Master’s Plan for our church?


After review, your Master Plan may still be valid and relevant for your church and community. If that’s the case, you’ve got a great framework for your church moving into the future. It’s also possible that plans created 10+ years ago may no longer be the best move for your church. The only way to find out is to start asking questions, review your plan and make sure you’re on the right track.

Is it time to review your Master Plan?